
Many of us lead hectic lives. While we strive to find balance for ourselves, our intentions are often compromised because of work, family, and other responsibilities. Yet, how we nourish ourselves, physically and otherwise, is so vital. Balanced nutrition, mindful living and natural therapies, separately or together, can offer effective support in conquering our daily challenges.

What we take in, nutritionally and otherwise, and health are interconnected on every level. We all know that without health, little else matters. However, with so much information surrounding us (algorithm driven or not!), navigating your way through it can feel overwhelming. Is it ok to eat fish? What kind? Should one choose soy or dairy? What is a balanced meal? What does one do with kohlrabi? Or, is intermittent fasting ok? Should I avoid fats? Carbs? ….It depends.

Is optimal living all about food? Not necessarily. Often, we do regain balance through nutritional adjustments. Often, that’s just the beginning and other shifts in our day-to-day need to follow: whether it’s exercise, fewer commitments or more connectivity. Sometimes that’s not enough or possible and, modalities such as acupuncture or allopathic or naturopathic medicine is what’s needed. One other avenue towards better health is Homeopathy. To learn about homeopathy – a natural, non-invasive and holistic approach to health – go here.

individual consultations

Overall Health and Nutrition or Homeopathy? Addressing one’s nutritive and lifestyle regimen will produce lasting results. Specific concerns might be best addressed with Homeopathy. The choice is yours. Schedule a complimentary call to learn more about each option.

Food as medicine

Whether it’s choosing the right protein or navigating to a carbohydrate that’s best for you or simply figuring out how to eat optimally in your day-to-day, food can be your comrade in arms rather than a source of stress. Learn about other naturally derived dietary supplements.

Fees: $150 for 1 hr consultation or $600 for a series of 5 consultations.

Homeopathy as medicine

Disharmony, on an emotional or physical level, from specific trauma or chronic conditions can bring on symptoms that impede our optimal living: creatively, energetically and spiritually. Whether it’s skin ailments, digestive complaints, recurring headaches, hormonally driven imbalances or seasonal afflictions, homeopathy offers natural and safe alternatives to managing a wide range of modern-living discomforts.

Fees: $300 for initial consultation (1.5-2 hrs) and $150 for follow-ups (up to 1hr).

themed workshops

Are you perhaps interested in improving your sleep? Is it temperature irregularities, is it mind that’s racing in the middle of the night, is it indigestion that won’t let you settle into your repose, or something else? Grab your besties for support and accountability and do a deep dive into understanding who your sleep foes are and how to remedy various conditions. Or maybe you’ve been curious about staying healthy through the flu season. Or maybe it’s extra pounds that just won’t shed after entering menopause…..Please contact me to discuss workshop themes that are of interest.

Large doses of vitamin C can act as a diuretic or a mild laxative.